The self-guided route


Outpost Advisors offers self-guided courses that can help you define and order your own family vision, goals and purpose. Whether you only need help with a single aspect of putting your finances to work in service of your family vision, or you’d like to get to know us better before becoming a client of Outpost, we think our courses can be a great starting point. Below, see which courses are currently available and check back often for updates to these offerings.



Drafting a Family Vision Statement (in just 3 hours)

If your family's God-given reason for being could be reduced to a simple statement, that would be your Family Vision. We're here to help you do just that, by connecting some dots between what the Bible has to say about family and what you know about your own. In just 3 hours of work, we'll have you saying, "OKAY. THIS is who we were meant to be!" And once you know that, you can open your eyes to the wonderful opportunities your Family Vision affords (and stop up your ears to those that aren't for you).

Don’t Blow it! (When it Comes to Your Money)

When it comes to your money, there are so many places where it's easy to misstep. But you don't have to fly blind as you try to avoid those mistakes - we want to help! In this course we've put together an overview of 14 topics ranging from life insurance to hiring a financial planner to managing credit cards. Listen to a Certified Financial Planner® talk through each of these areas with a regular guy who asks the questions that you wish you could ask. By the end, you might not be a financial whiz, but we do think you'll be well equipped to be sure that when it comes to your money, you don't blow it!